Here a few of the Initiatives we have put in place for the RCEC. We look forward to continuing to serve our local communities in Florida and beyond.
Harvest Bazzar - The Harvest Bazaar is a fundraiser and a community activity. It combines the carnival atmosphere with vendors, games, rides, with the Harvest dinner-traditional turkey dinner, and appearances from community groups. We have had the Senior Soul Steppers of Miami Gardens, church dance and singing groups, the Fire and Rescue Dept. and others.
Education Conference - We have had at least 5 Ed Conferences. Generally, we have had represetatives from the Health Dept., Magnet Programs, Comm. College, Travleing Library , along with reps. from school safety and discipline, school nutrition talk aboutthe services they offer the community and the latter give tips on how to better prepare the children to be able to do well in school. The reps have sometimes set up booths for questions and given out brochures and other info.
Rites of Passage - RROP is coming of age program. It will combine the Bar Mitzvah, Debutantes, and Quincera affairs. It will include cultural information of all the groups with expectations and potentials spelled out. Since these affairs are usually very costly, often many teens cannot participate. All eligible will be able to participate.
Other activities include: Prayer Vigils, Prayer Breakfasts, and more.